Een journalist en PR adviseur ruilen

Jody Koehler

Hoe zou het zijn om als journalist een week van baan te ruilen met een PR adviseur? Persberichten schrijven, verhalen pitchen bij de media en klanten adviseren over media en communicatie. En hoe is dat andersom? Hoe is het om als PR adviseur in de huid te kruipen van een journalist en dagelijks strakke deadlines te hebben. Kate van PRWeek en Mat van Bite Communications namen voor een week elkaars baan over. Ze hebben het  beiden overleefd en vertellen hun verhaal in deze video. Er blijken toch meer overeenkomsten te zijn dan op voorhand misschien gedacht.


Kate: “As a specialist marketing journalist, ‘the dark side’ did not provide any major surprises. But it has given me a greater appreciation of the work involved in writing the press releases that land in my inbox. Overall it was interesting to see how agencies are responding to the challenges of the ever-changing digital landscape and the shake-up of the traditional marketing industry silos. On a personal level, my favourite part was throwing around ideas in brainstorming sessions. To me, this was similar to my role as a journalist; working out what is interesting about a topic and translating this into something that will engage an audience. But I still want my own name at the top of an article.”

Mat: “As for continuing my career in journalism, I think I will stick to life at Bite as a flack. But at least I now have more empathy for the journalists I am calling when selling-in my stories as I understand the hectic work they do. It has also been great to see journalists candidly talk about PROs and the stories they get sent. My advice to PROs out there is don’t be lazy, personalise your emails and make sure the story or pitch is relevant, otherwise you are likely to be the talk off the office until lunch unless Kay Burley starts trending on Twitter.”

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